Page name: Gods Of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
Owner: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
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Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: i knwo u sucked so u dropped out

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: Excuse me I made 90's. I dropped out cause I don't need Spanish 3 for a Master of Arts, waste of time.

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: I never took, I don't think I would have passed it.

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: It is completely pointless.

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: looks better on a resume to be bilengual

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: Not exactly. It looks better if you know how to speak the spanish that is spoken in Mexico. The Spanish we learn is what is spoken in Spain, not Mexico.

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: what the hell is the difference

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: A lot, just like the spanish that I grew up with, its different then the spanish taught in school

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: i like english the best i knwo it better

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: If you say something in Mexico that you learned in Spanish class, for example, "Yo soy el bano" may mean I am the bathroom in Spain, but in MExico it could mean I am sex. They use a slang version of proper Spanish.

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: so are u shittin could mena like i am blowjob

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: Exactly, nicely put I might add.

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: okay like in Mexico, bicho means a bird and in my spanish it means a mans privates.

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: yo soy bicho lolol

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: *LMFAO*

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: hehe

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: okay now ,which bicho were you.

2005-10-18 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm..interesting convo going on in here...

2005-10-18 [Shadowsoul]: oh so seriously pissed *looks really really pissed. Kicks the nearest computer really really hard*

2005-10-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why are you oh so seriously pissed???

2005-10-21 [Shadowsoul]: comp is playing up, it's raining outside (very much needed rain though, cause we're in drought) And i am totally soaked. Everything is wet!!!!!

2005-10-21 [iCh3wi]: ISS Sux.

2005-10-21 [Shadowsoul]: yeah

2005-10-21 [iCh3wi]: And I have it for the stupidest reason. I got in trouble for gloves with Handcuffs. And the weird thing is my mom doesnt care if i still wear them to school.

2005-10-21 [Shadowsoul]: ooooooo, that is wierd

2005-10-21 [iCh3wi]: Yup.

2005-10-21 [Shadowsoul]: yeah

2005-10-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...thats funny...what is wrong with handcuffs?i have earings in the shape of hand cuffs i just get write ups..

2005-10-21 [iCh3wi]: Earrings are ok, but gloves that go from your hand to elbow covered with 20 handcuffs arent allowed.

2005-10-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why not? they wouldnt say anyhting at my schooll....

2005-10-21 [Homewrecker]: u forget that this is china spring and u could kill someone with a piece of cloth that goes on ur hand that happens to have plastic handcuffs attached it of cours

2005-10-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: we arent supposed to wear chains...which can inflict more damage but we still

2005-10-22 [iCh3wi]: the handcuffs ar metal though, but still is a dumb rule

2005-10-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: is a dumb rule...*sighs* some people

2005-11-06 [Undertow]: hello again people, long time no speak

2005-11-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow no one has talked in here for a while..

2005-11-07 [iCh3wi]: Much hasn't been happening on EP lately

2005-11-07 [Shadowsoul]: yeah

2005-11-07 [iCh3wi]: Urgh.....I have been writing this damn cd for the past....3 hours 43 minutes and 15 seconds.

2005-11-07 [Shadowsoul]: urgh that's a long time

2005-11-07 [iCh3wi]: Very, all is left is for me to illegally download Organ music and I am done for the night.

2005-11-07 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles* well you should get some rest

2005-11-07 [iCh3wi]: Eh...I like the night.

2005-11-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: organ music???

2005-11-11 [Undertow]: yeah i can kind of's like i leave and everything dies..oh well it'll be diying slowly b/c i don't get online much anymore

2005-11-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: is kinda sad...

2005-11-11 [Undertow]: ....yeah just a bit, but now that i think about it most of the lengthy conversations everyone had on here was triggerd by something i said, did or implied, or something [Ultra Hunger] randomly posted

2005-11-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...yeah true....

2005-11-11 [Shadowsoul]: true

2005-11-11 [iCh3wi]: Gas is going down, bout fucking time. In some parts of Texas it is under $2.00 a gallon.

2005-11-11 [Shadowsoul]: that's really really cheap!!! anyway

2005-11-11 [Shadowsoul]: it's $1.20 per litre here!!!! one of your gallons is four of our litres

2005-11-11 [iCh3wi]: Yup, bout time too, so whats up?

2005-11-11 [Homewrecker]: lol i can see you richard!!!

2005-11-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol.lucky u! ours is still going up

2005-11-11 [iCh3wi]: Not for long it won't. It is suppose to be under $2.00 almost everywhere pretty soon. It is now only $2.10 per gallon.

2005-11-11 [Undertow]: i know it's cheaper in tx, lol i do live here

2005-11-12 [iCh3wi]: I know, but I was just letting Ash know it won't be high much longer.

2005-11-12 [iCh3wi]: Have you moved yet Jared?

2005-11-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..I hope because in less than 3 months i will be getting a car and my license

2005-11-12 [Undertow]: ummm yeah, i moved over a month ago

2005-11-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..

2005-11-13 [Shatureel]: Hiya whats up

2005-11-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey!

2005-11-13 [iCh3wi]: Dang, I have been off here for a while. But your in Houston Ash, why does it matter is he is in Austin or not?

2005-11-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: not in houston maybe like 50 miles south of houston..

2005-11-14 [iCh3wi]: Ah

2005-11-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..its all cool though..close enough...

2005-11-15 [Undertow]: why does it matter where i am to you people? are you planning on kidnapping me or something??? 0.o

2005-11-15 [Serena]: yes jared they want to kidnap you and keep you in their closet with all the scary pink stuffed teddy bears

2005-11-15 [Homewrecker]: no i thought the teddy bears were rainbow??

2005-11-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...why would we want to kidnapp you? out of all the non annoying people there is to kidnapp why would we pick you? if we did we would return you with in miliseconds of doing so..

2005-11-15 [Shadowsoul]: *blinks*

2005-11-15 [Serena]: But....*raises a finger* after you are finishing "playing" with him...when I say playing I mean torturing

2005-11-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...i like the way you think [Serena]

2005-11-16 [Shadowsoul]: as do i

2005-11-16 [Undertow]: ...i don't know if i do

2005-11-16 [Shadowsoul]: *pounces on undertow and ties him up*

2005-11-16 [Undertow]: *looks aroubd*

2005-11-16 [Shadowsoul]: *laughs softly* there's nobody here.....why should i let you go?

2005-11-16 [Undertow]: i dunno...b/c i prefer to be able to feel my extremeties lol

2005-11-16 [Shadowsoul]: *hugs and lets you go*

2005-11-16 [Undertow]: yay, lol *runs in a circle* I'm free!

2005-11-16 [Shadowsoul]: *cries*

2005-11-16 [Serena]: Only free from her....*throws net*

2005-11-16 [Undertow]: ...dammit

2005-11-16 [Serena]: least something is giving me a smile

2005-11-16 [Undertow]: yeah yeah yeah, well i', going i'll ttyl

2005-11-16 [Serena]: kk seeya

2005-11-16 [emmerlicious]: My my my... I need a temple...

2005-11-16 [iCh3wi]: Afternoon Jerod, Serenity, Shadow. How is everyone?

2005-11-16 [Shadowsoul]: sick

2005-11-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hello everyone..sorry to hear that shadow. i just got over being sick....I love the feels so good outside..

2005-11-17 [Serena]: im a bit sick too

2005-11-17 [iCh3wi]: Im sorry to hear you two are sick. It is fuckin cold outside!! No more outdoor for me, indor for now on.

2005-11-17 [Shadowsoul]: It's really hot here!

2005-11-17 [Undertow]: not was like 29 friends and i hang out in the courtyard we said screw that and went inside to keep warm

2005-11-17 [Shadowsoul]: it is summer here

2005-11-17 [Undertow]: it went from 60's to 80's last week to 20's to 40's or 50's this week...for texas that's a big friggen change 

2005-11-18 [iCh3wi]: Oh yeah! The radio said there is a chance of snow for Waco this weekend, wtf?? We are in Texas!! Not Alaska!!

2005-11-18 [Undertow]: god i hope not, i'm going to be up there for the ninja show on saturday

2005-11-18 [Shadowsoul]: *pounces on undertow and ties him up*

2005-11-18 [Undertow]: nah not now i have to go..i have to be at school early to move one of my cars

2005-11-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: know that alaska doesnt snow everywere and it can be quite warm too right?? we might get snow again this year!! yay! im so hapy...i would rather be cold then hot..when it is old you can cover up...the heat you cant beat ( haha it rhymes!! :p)

2005-11-20 [Undertow]: screw that i'd rather be in shorts and a t-shirt than multiple layers, and i'm sure 65 degree's is warm where you are for a summer high but not here lol, thats an early spring , mid-fall morning

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: it was 24 degrees at 6 am this morning! Today is going to be hot

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: It was -5 celcius this morning here in the UK, now it is like -8 celcius...

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: lucky you. I love the cold especially snow

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: I hate it being too cold as I have to ride a scooter into college and back everyday except weekends

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: haha.....sorry i couldn't help myself. I rollerblade..........   3 and a 1/2 days of school left for the year until feburary *is really happy, and is throwing a party* *is throwing chocolate and streamers around*

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: Yeah but I have black ice to worry about on the roads >.<

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: hehe *smiles*

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: it is evil, I have come of my scooter several times because of it >.<

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: hehe *giggles* sorry last few days of the school year euphoria

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: lol, well I don't have any school break until the 20th December *cries*

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: haha....sorry *hugs* I have 9 weeks off. It's my summer holidays!!!!! *is jumping around and is really happy*

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: What!!!! My summer hols ended back in september...

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: i live in australia, it's sumer here now

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: You lucky bugger

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: *falls to the ground laughing* now you know how i feel! I have to sit through school while your on holidays. Now it's your turn *rolls around the floor laughing*

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: *cringes* Oh you are evil...

2005-11-20 [Shadowsoul]: sorry

2005-11-20 [Firenze]: lol, I was only joking ^_^

2005-11-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...yall are funny

2005-11-23 [Undertow]: anyone else feel kinda lost from that conversation..and extremely bored?

2005-11-23 [Serena]: *raises hand* Hai

2005-11-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...

2005-11-23 [Undertow]: ...i thought so

2005-11-23 [Firenze]: hehehe....

2005-11-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: maybe you just have a negative

2005-11-24 [Undertow]: sometimes i wonder...but others i don't..infact sometimes i don't even think at all

2005-11-24 [Serena]: that is a well known fact Jarad

2005-11-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...that is so true

2005-11-24 [Undertow]: lol yeah, your probably right...oh well.....happy turkey day all of you who are in the US...and others....good day to you too

2005-11-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: and canada!!! but theirs isnt the same day as ours...which is kinda weird

2005-11-25 [Undertow]: ...not really since they're another country

2005-11-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i was saying that they celebrate it too..only they have it on a different day...*sighs*

2005-11-25 [Serena]: i think it is only North America that celebrates gobble day where you eat your heart and soul out.

2005-11-25 [Undertow]: lol, w/e

2005-11-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i really dont care..i had a bad TG so i could careless at the not trying to sound rude btw...

2005-11-25 [Serena]: it really dont matter, just another pathetic day for people to be lazy

2005-11-26 [Undertow]: yeah, but being lazy is what some of us are good at

2005-11-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *cough* like you?*cough* lol

2005-11-27 [Undertow]: indeed

2005-11-27 [Serena]: i was so waiting for someone to say that

2005-11-28 [Undertow]: well.. it's true, i'm a lazy ass, just ask my teachers, i am yet to do a SINGLE class project

2005-11-28 [Serena]: i had all my stuff done a month ahead

2005-11-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats what you call an OVERacheiver!!

2005-11-29 [Serena]: no its called actully listening, getting the stuff done in class and enjoying the benefits of a gameboy in class

2005-11-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..that to i guess

2005-11-29 [Undertow]: hell i just sleep in class..or so they think *reveals small headphones and mp3 player* he he he

2005-11-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol

2005-12-05 [GODofMUSIC04]: my alg2 teach sux.... she thinks class is more important thatn well beings of friends

2005-12-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: shit my alg2 teacher is frickin awesome..she hardly ever gives us homework and she is 8th my alg1 teacher was a total bitch though,Mrs.West, aka the wicked witch of the west...

2005-12-06 [Undertow]: i already took alg 2..passed it with a 74 (not too great i know, but i suck at math) but yeah i like not having to worry about math classes this year atleast

2005-12-06 [Serena]: i never took Alg 2

2005-12-06 [Undertow]: lucky you, i was part of a geinny pig (sp?) class that they skipped geometry and went straight to alg2 and we all did miserably

2005-12-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow..i bithed cuz they made us take geometry and i hated it..i guess its a good thing then..

2005-12-07 [Undertow]: yeah i hated tht class too but we were supposed to take it before alg2 b/c there are things your supposed to learn in geometry b4 you can even try to take alg2....btw, WISD is a bunch of dumbass rednecks

2005-12-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lols yeah but so far i havent used any of that

2005-12-07 [Undertow]: yeah, i think algebras just an excuse to make you learn something 90% of which you'll forget and will never really need in the real world (unless your doing something that involves alot of math)

2005-12-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lolyep yep

2005-12-09 [emmerlicious]: How do I put up a temple?

2005-12-09 [Homewrecker]: hmmmmmm agreed

2005-12-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um i think you make a wiki for yourself and stuff and get followers..

2005-12-10 [Undertow]: yeah, that's like how it works, lol

2005-12-10 [Shadowsoul]: *blinks*

2005-12-11 [Shatureel]: Hiya all whats up?

2005-12-11 [Homewrecker]: nuthin much u?

2005-12-11 [Serena]: gosh i hate getting sick!

2005-12-12 [Undertow]: yeah, it's no fun for anyone

2005-12-12 [Shatureel]: Yep its not.

2005-12-13 [Undertow]: i need a q-tip, a piece of string and a bubber band

2005-12-13 [Shatureel]: what do you need them for.

2005-12-13 [Undertow]: idk, worlds worst guided missle, an unusual way of cleaning my ears..idk, i'll think of something

2005-12-13 [Shatureel]: worst guided missle sounds good.

2005-12-13 [Undertow]: yeah...too bad i'm too far away from bush for the q-tip to reach, it would be funny if soemthing as seemling harmless as a q-tip kill his ass

2005-12-13 [Shatureel]: that would go down in Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

2005-12-13 [Undertow]: lol, yeah but it would still be funny if you could kill someone with a q-tip shot from a rubberband

2005-12-13 [Shatureel]: that would be funny indeed.

2005-12-13 [Undertow]: yes, it twould

2005-12-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: your a bush hater? man what do yall have against him?!!!

2005-12-14 [Shatureel]: I don't hate the man, I just think it would be funny to see someone killed with a q-tip shot from a rubberband. 

2005-12-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol.,then kill my ex micheal boff i hate him witha passion!

2005-12-14 [Shatureel]: that would work too. LOL

2005-12-14 [Undertow]: i just think he's a little on the dumb side...and a little bit trigger happy he's done some good, he'll just always be remembered for having monkey ears

2005-12-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats soo mean and he is just doing what he thinks is right..leave him alone..

2005-12-15 [GODofMUSIC04]: dude bush is the international terrorist

2005-12-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no he isnt! he is trying to protet the nation! duh!

2005-12-16 [Undertow]: like i said, he's just a little bit trigger happy, he's done alot of goods in his two terms,he just happends to be over anxious to use our military

2005-12-16 [Shatureel]: Well to tell the truth my brother-in-law is in the Army and he agrees with Bush.

2005-12-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: see! and he isnt trigger happy he just wants to protect our nation and show that we wont just sit there and watch the terrorist try to destroy our nation!! but it is all a matter of opinion and atleast he isnt like fucing clinton!!that dumb cheating bastard!

2005-12-16 [Undertow]: honestly as long as someone does they're job correctly why the hell does it matter if they partake in "extra-curricular activities"? but clinton did do alot of good for the nation...more good than either of the bush's has done

2005-12-16 [Homewrecker]: ..........i agree

2005-12-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: w/e..i dont wanna talk politics...

2005-12-16 [Undertow]: yeah, it gets confusing

2005-12-16 [Homewrecker]: no not really

2005-12-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...noi just get riled up and end up getting mad and i am in a good mood..and i dont wanna ruin it

2005-12-16 [Undertow]: eh two things that aren't good to talk about at any time really are politics and religion

2005-12-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yep...both are highly strenuous...

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